Parents, thank you for your awesome help and continued perseverance! Together we fought (and won!) FOR Phonics, Back to Basics Math, the right for our children to raise their hands in class and ask honest questions, and the right of Moms and Dads to see what is actually taught in our classrooms.

We DEFEATED the socialist agenda of the Far Left and their re-write of “national standards” (funded by foreign groups) that included:

1) Deleting the Holocaust of World War II,

2) Attacking free-market economics, while promoting socialism,

3) Deleting all key Military battles, heroes and leaders,

4) Erasing all symbols of Patriotism (ex: Liberty Bell),

5) Eliminating any mention of historic Judeo-Christan faith and values.

We strengthened our teaching of our Constitution, the original intent of our Founding Founders, and the undeniable influence of Mosaic (Judeo - Christian) Law on our nation’s system of Liberty and Justice for all.

However, today we continue fighting against the deeply entrenched, foreign-funded NATIONAL EDUCATION LOBBY - who sends their “experts” to rewrite every state’s curriculum, to include:

1) Radical and graphic, age-inappropriate Sex Education (that even includes elementary and pre-kinder children),

2) Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the 1619 Project,

3) Anti-American values, pro-Socialism indoctrination,

The tactics of powerful "Educrats” include Marxist attacks on concerned Moms and Dads. They partner with the national media to label parents who dare ask questions:


Today we witness academic, verbal and yes - physical attacks on Students who promote Conservative, Judeo-Christian values. Please keep those students in your prayers.

For years I complained that we targeted and began our battles at the County Court House, then to the State House, to our U.S. House, and finally to the White House.

We forgot the foundation of our culture wars. Any real “change” to “Take America Back” must begin at our local SCHOOL HOUSE!

History reminds us that in 1980, we gave the “School House,” (then, the world’s number one rated system of education) to the newly created Federal Department of Education. Now, forty-plus years later, our precious children are paying a terrible price.

Today, we witness the lowest ratings in forty years in reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies.

Parents around our nation are shouting loud and clear. We must take back the control of education away from the radical, anti-family agenda of the socialist far left.

We must take back our School House!

If you really want to “Take America Back!” If your dream is to “Save America!”. If your really want to “Make America Great Again!”

Our battle must begin and move from:

The School House to the White House!

“Take America Back - from the School House to the White House!”